Enter a valid BlueSky handle.
It will be added if any commission info is detected.
No commission status detected?
Artstat is looking for the following patterns anywhere in your name/description:
[comm] [status]
[comm] ? [status]
[comm] [slots]
[slots] [comm]
[comm] is any of the following: "cm(s)", "comm(s)", "commission(s)". You can replace the letter "o" with a zero. [status] is any of the following: "open(ed)", "close(d)", "paused", "unavailable". [slots] are any two numbers X and Y written as "x/y" or "(x/y)", with or without spaces. ? is any random word and/or certain punctuation (":", "=", "-").
Example: "comms are: open".
Slots are optional. You may specify them at the start ("2/3 comms") or the end ("comms are open (2/3)").
The following snippets are valid. Some are real and some are contrived examples.